Saturday, March 16, 2013

Hello and Welcome!

Welcome to Commitment to Catalysis (C2C)! Whether you were searching for this blog or came here via another website, I'm glad you took the time to visit.

This blog was created as a way for me to keep up to date with current chemical biology and enzymology research, as well as a way for me to work on scholarly writing. My goal is not only to make science understandable and accessible, but also fun! I strive to give an accurate analysis of updates in my field, but sometimes (due to lack knowledge or time…I mean, c’mon, I’m a grad student after all!) I miss something important. Please feel free to contact me with resources if you notice a gross error and I will do my best to make C2C an informed blog.

Who am I, you ask? I am currently a graduate student in the Chemistry and Chemical Biology Program at the University of California--San Francisco. My academic interests are in chemical biology, with a specific interest in enzymology and epigenetic modifications. I am also interested in promoting women in the sciences, as well as improving scientific education at all levels. When I'm not in lab I enjoy hiking and playing card games.

So stay tuned! Some new posts will be going up next week and I will attempt to update this blog about twice a week thereafter.

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