Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Politics and Science: Climate Change

About a year ago, Hurricane Sandy hit land. The East Coast of the US was brutally damaged and we are still suffering physical and economic scars in many places. Let's be honest here, climate change is real. Scientists have published hundreds and hundreds of peer-reviewed articles on topics and issues related to climate change. The scientific community reached a consensus long ago and the majority of the scientific societies and world governments have official positions an action plans to reduce the effect of human activities on climate. 

Although the problems of climate change are generally seen as being resolved by these scientific bodies, disputes are still prevalent in popular media. Climate change is being manipulated by politicians to promote their own agendas. 

The Rachel Maddow Show had a great segment tonight juxtaposing the efforts of New York meteorologists and transit workers in barricading the NYC subway with a proposed climate change bill in Nebraska.

It pains me to see some politicians swayed by a small minority of dissidents. Or that some are choosing to ignore scientific reports in favor of a more, shall we say theological argument. And while you are certainly entitled to your religious views, please keep them out of my politics. 

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