Sunday, April 6, 2014


Each week, Nature publishes a science fiction story in their "Futures" column. At the beginning of the year, they challenged readers to write a science fiction story in no more than 200 characters. Here is the winning entry, as well as some of my favorite submissions.

I pass your empty chair every day. Across the room sits the computer, your voice, your face locked inside. I ache to bring you to life, but fear keeps me in my chair. What if you say no?
--Catherine Rastovsk

off that switch, Professor! Your time machine can't travel back in time past the moment of its own creation and instead will trap the Universe in an endlessly recursive time-like loop! Take your hands
--Judith Reeves-Stevens

We gather, receiving the voice of a deserted explorer. "I have found the lunar colony," she says across the void. "Their logs simply state, 'We die alone'." Eyes downcast, we hear the broadcast end.
--Alasdair MacLeod

As robots perform the laboratory work, it is cheaper just to electronically stimulate the areas of the student's brain associated with frustration and failure, and then, after 3 years, call them doctor.
--Gavin Garland

To see the full list, visit:

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