Thursday, July 23, 2015

Monday, January 26, 2015


Cheers... the women in my program for discussing the problem of recruiting more women.

...for our meeting generating several concrete, actionable items.

...for the serious response we received from the administration when voicing our concerns.

...for the actions the administration will put in place this year during recruitment.

...for some of the guys in my program who recognized their past behavior may have been taken the wrong way.

...for that same group asking me for ways they could change and behaviors to watch out for from other guys. the (male) friend who went to a science conference as a +1...and realized how messed up it was that people assumed he was the scientist and his girlfriend (the actual scientist) was along for the ride.

...for the guys who want to hear my experiences of being a women in they know how to challenge their unconscious biases.

In the grand scheme of things, this is small. But changes can't always come from the top. More often, they must start with the people on the bottom.