Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Toast: Search for a Gal Scientist

For those of you who are up on the blogosphere, The Toast is searching for a female, PhD-level scientist to author a regularly occurring science column. As part of the search process, they have been running a series of one-off posts from female scientist contributors. 

To read the full archive, follow this link or look for the tag 'gal science' on their website. 

Physicist Kerstin Nordstrom is the author of the most recent Gal Science post. She addresses the frequently asked question 'So what is it you do?' and offers tips for interacting with scientists. If you have time, the entire post is a wonderful read. To paraphrase her advice, don't treat us like magical creatures, don't say things like "Oh, you must be really smart," and don't put us on the spot about our research topics unless you are genuinely interested in the answer. 

And most importantly, do not compare me to Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory.

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