Thursday, February 20, 2014

SEP Volunteering: Year 3

I've written about UCSF's Science-Education Partnership (SEP) program previously.  Since arriving at UCSF in 2011, I've been involved with two semester-long programs. My first year I was involved with the Bio&Chem Teach program, where I was partnered with a 7th grade life-science classroom. Last year I participated in the STAT program and was placed with a 4th grade classroom. 

This is my third year volunteering with SEP. After some scheduling difficulties, my classmate and I were placed in a pair of 2nd grade classrooms. Although both teachers are new to the SEP program, they brought a lot of great ideas to our first planning meeting and I am incredibly excited to be working with their students. 

Our first visit to the classroom to meet the students was last week. Both classrooms had great questions for us and were excited to hear we were coming back four more times over the course of the semester. We've planned a series of lessons progressing from good/bad bacteria to human intestines, with lots of interesting experiments along the way. Hopefully by the end of the school-year I can convince some of them to stick with science!

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