Thursday, March 6, 2014

Science Questions from Second Graders

The following is a partial list of the questions asked to me and my classmate today while teaching 2nd graders about the 5 senses:

  1. Do we get to try all the [5 senses] stations?
  2. Do you like candy? Do you like sour patch kids?
  3. Do you like lemonade?
  4. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
  5. Why are we eating paper? [When passing out the taste test strips]
  6. Are you poisoning us?!! [After eating the bitter-tasting PTC test strip]
  7. What's on your face? [Pointing to a handful of pimples on my forehead]
  8. Can you still taste if you are death [sic]? [I think this student meant 'deaf']
  9. How does hair grow?
  10. Why do stars glow?
  11. What is a shooting star?
  12. Does Pluto still exist?
  13. Do you have fun?
  14. Do you still live with your parents?
  15. Do you have a boyfriend?
  16. How old are you?
  17. Are you two [myself and my classmate] sisters?
  18. How do tornados get strong enough to throw houses and basketballs and stuff?
  19. Why do we get storms?
  20. When are you coming back?

Can't wait to see what they come up with for the next time I visit!

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